New Membership Application

This application form is for new members only.

If you are renewing your existing membership, or you are a former member, please sign in to your account with your MAAC # to complete a membership renewal form. If you don't remember your MAAC #, please contact our office for assistance.

Temporary Foreign Membership

If you are a non-Canadian modeller, and you would like to apply for a Temporary Foreign Membership, please use this application form instead.

Membership expires December 31st each year. Members joining midyear or later may wish to wait until September 1st for a 16-month membership option.

Membership Categories/Fees

Membership is limited to persons, clubs or organizations interested in Model Aeronautics.

Membership Category Fee
Open Membership $95.00
Three-Year Open Membership $250.00
Open Spousal Membership $50.00
Junior Membership $25.00
Introductory Membership $30.00
Club Annual Renewal $50.00
New Club Application $75.00
Temporary Foreign Membership (12 Days) $15.00

All fees shown above do NOT include applicable GST or HST.
All memberships expire at the end of the calendar year.
Current year membership fees are non-refundable.

MAAC Code of Conduct

All members MUST sign and adhere to the MAAC Code of Conduct as a condition of membership annually. You will be prompted to agree to the Code of Conduct before your membership dues can be processed.

Consequences of not signing or adhering to the MAAC Code of Conduct can range from non- admittance of membership, verbal or written warnings to suspension, termination, and even legal ramifications, depending on the severity of the violation.

Good Faith - Good faith refers to honesty, sincerity, and fairness in one's intentions and dealings with others. Acting in good faith means that a person believes they are doing the right thing without deceit or intention to defraud.

Click to view:

I have read and agree to the MAAC Code of Conduct as a condition of my membership in the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada.

This application form is secured by SSL encryption.

First Name:
Middle Name or Initial:
Last Name:
Date of Birth: tooltip
This is required for verification of member type and kept confidential.
Are you currently a MAAC Member?
Have you ever been a MAAC Member in the past? tooltip
Your MAAC number is still valid. If you know or think you were a member in the past, we may have your number on file and you can get your number back. Call 1-855-FLY MAAC (359-6222) or email for more information.

Do you have a spouse or common-law partner that is currently a MAAC Member (other than a Junior) and is not receiving the spousal discount? tooltip
If you have a spouse or common-law partner that is a current MAAC Member (other than a Junior), you might be eligible for a discounted spousal membership rate. Only one of you can receive the spousal discount.

A spouse is a person to whom you are legally married.

A common-law partner is a person with whom you are living in a conjugal relationship, and to whom at least one of the following situations applies. He or she:

1. has been living with you in a conjugal relationship, and this current relationship has lasted at least 12 continuous months (including any period you were separated for less than 90 days because of a breakdown in the relationship);

2. is the parent of your child by birth or adoption; or

3. has custody and control of your child (or had custody and control immediately before the child turned 19 years of age) and your child is wholly dependent on that person for support.
Spouse's MAAC #:
Spouse's Date of Birth:
  Current year fees are non-refundable.
Membership Option: tooltip
The options shown are intended to give you the best value for membership based on the time of year and your age.
Membership Effective Date: February 11, 2025
Membership Expiry Date:
How many airworthy RPAS (remote control model aircraft) do you have?
Primary Interest:
Other Interests:  Sport (just for fun)
 Control Line
 Control Line Precision Aerobatics
 Electric Aircraft
 FPV (First Person View)
 Free Flight Indoor
 Free Flight Outdoor
 Multi-Rotor (Drone)
 R/C Boat
 R/C Car
 R/C Float Plane
 R/C Helicopter
 R/C Indoor
 R/C Jet
 R/C Jet Turbine
 R/C Large Model
 R/C Open Combat
 R/C Precision Aerobatics
 R/C Pylon
 R/C Sailplane
 R/C Scale
 R/C Scale Aerobatics (IMAC)
 R/C Scale Combat
 R/C Scale Sailplane
 SAM (Society of Antique Modelers)
Are you interested in competition?
Occupation: tooltip
MAAC requests occupation for demographic purposes however MAAC is a volunteer based organization and on occasion will access information provided by members to seek help in various aspects of its operation. If you do not want to be contacted by MAAC you may wish to leave the occupation section blank.
How did you become aware of MAAC?  Club
 Hobby Shop
 Hobby Show
 News Media
 Other Model Aircraft Association
 Social Media
If you were recruited to MAAC by a Hobby Shop, please identify which one:
Contact Information
Except as set out in our Privacy Policy, we will not disclose any personally identifiable information without your permission unless we are legally entitled or required to do so or if we believe that such action is necessary in relation to a claim made under our insurance policy that involves you. Your disclosure of your email address or occupation is voluntary. By so disclosing, you consent to MAAC contacting you for such purposes (see policy manual “Privacy”) in relation to the organization as it deems appropriate, including to seek your help as a volunteer in areas in which you may have a particular expertise.
Preferred Language: tooltip
MAAC is committed to providing relevant and important information in French wherever possible.
Home Phone:
Work Phone: ext. tooltip
If provided only the office will have access if necessary.
Personal Mobile Phone:
Work Mobile Phone: tooltip
If provided only the office will have access if necessary.
Other Phone: ext.
Home Fax:
Work Fax: tooltip
If provided only the office will have access if necessary.
Email Address: tooltip
If provided, only the office will have access depending on the answers given below. Email receipts with MAAC number will only be provided if email and contact is allowed.
Do you consent to the MAAC contacting you by email? tooltip
MAAC emails may include payment confirmations, password resets, membership renewal reminders, etc.
Subscribe to the MAAC e-Newsletter?
Mailing Address
Country: tooltip
Residents of the US, please provide proof of current AMA status to:
Address (include apartment/unit number):
Postal/Zip Code:
Click for Zone Descriptions
Shipping Address
  Same as Mailing Address
Address (include apartment/unit number):
Postal/Zip Code:
Club Membership
If you are a member of a club, please identify which one: tooltip
Any club registered with MAAC will require MAAC membership prior to you joining their club. If you do not belong to a club when filling out this form, please sign in to your account after you join a club and add it to your profile information or call the office to have it added.
Login Password
  Please create a new password to manage your MAAC membership account.
Confirm Password:
  Membership Declarationtooltip
I solemnly declare, affirm and verify that the information that I have provided in this application is true, correct and accurate in all regards and does not contain any false or misleading content. I acknowledge and understand that in the event that I have provided any information that is incorrect, untrue, inaccurate, false or misleading, my request for membership or its renewal may be declined and my insurance coverage retroactively deemed null and void to the date I submitted that information.

I will report any incident without delay to the organization. I acknowledge that as a member I am responsible for $500 of the insurance deductible when I have caused an incident to occur. (Should the incident occur at my club field, my club is responsible for half and I am responsible for the second half of $500 towards the insurance deductible. The member/club portion of the deductible is payable to MAAC at the time of reporting the incident).

I understand that engaging in air modeling activities may be dangerous. I have read and will abide by the rules and regulations that have been established, or will in future be established, by the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada. I understand that my failure to comply with the rules and regulations of MAAC may result in denial of my membership and/or in failure of insurance coverage.
I agree: I have read the membership declaration and agree to abide by it.
Members Under the Age of 19 -- Parent/Guardian Approval
  Parent/Guardian Declarationtooltip
Parent or guardian must sign if the applicant is under the age of majority in your province and agrees to provide the appropriate supervision to the applicant.

I am the parent/legal guardian of the applicant. I understand that engaging in air modeling activities may be dangerous, and I agree to provide the appropriate supervision to the applicant. I have read and will ensure compliance with the rules and regulations that currently exist, and I will read and ensure compliance with all future rules and regulations.I understand that if the applicant does not comply with the rules and regulations of MAAC, he or she may be denied membership and/or in the failure or liability for any damages or claims, and I accept the full risk of such denial on the part of the applicant.
I agree: I have read the parent/guardian declaration and agree to abide by it.
Parent / Guardian Name:
  If you wish to donate to the MAAC, please fill in the fields below. Otherwise, leave them blank.
Donation Amount:
Allocate My Donation To:
Human Verification
  Please verify that you are a human and not an automated spam bot.
  I solemnly declare, affirm and verify that the information that I have provided in this application is true, correct and accurate in all regards and does not contain any false or misleading content. I acknowledge and understand that in the event that I have provided any information that is incorrect, untrue, inaccurate, false or misleading, my request for membership or its renewal may be declined and my insurance coverage retroactively deemed null and void to the date I submitted that information.
  Please have your credit card ready prior to clicking on the "Continue to Payment" button.
Copyright © 2010-2025 Model Aeronautics Association of Canada